ECA 450
Instruction 0024-9400
1.6 Front Panel Keypad Controls
Descriptions of the front panel keypad controls are given below. Note that a
control may perform multiple functions as determined by what screen is
being displayed at the time.
Turns the analyzer ON and OFF. Note that when the analyzer
is turned OFF, there is a 5 second off-delay period that allows
an operator to turn the analyzer back ON by pressing the
key. Also note that if there are unsafe levels of gas present
inside the analyzer when it is turned OFF, the analyzer’s pump
is automatically started and purges the sensor compartment
with fresh air. The analyzer will turn OFF only after the gas
levels have been reduced. If desired, the purging process can be
aborted by again pressing the
Starts and stops a combustion efficiency test when the Com-
bustion Test RUN/HOLD screen is displayed. Pressing this key
from any of the menu screens returns the analyzer to the
Combustion Test HOLD screen. Pressing this key during the
5 second turn-off-delay period, or from the warm-up screen
whenever sensor errors are being displayed, will also cause the
Combustion Test HOLD screen to be displayed.
Prints the contents of either the Combustion Test or Pressure
screen on the local printer. This key is inactive in all other
Saves the contents of the Combustion Test or Pressure screen
to memory. The saved data can then later be recalled for
viewing on the display and printed or downloaded to a personal
Cycles the display from the Combustion Test screen though the
following menu screens: Fuel, Pressure, Memory, Setup List,
and Calibration List. These menu screens can also be directly
accessed by pressing their associated shortcut key.
Shortcut key to the Fuel menu screen, where operators can
choose which fuel is being burned.
P / P
Shortcut key to the Pressure menu screen, where operators can
view the pressure being sampled by the probe. Pressing this
key a
time allows an operator to zero the pressure
Shortcut key to the Memory menu screen, where operators can
choose to either view the Memory Directory screen, transmit
saved data out the analyzer’s RS232 port, or clear memory.
Shortcut key to the Setup List menu screen, where operators
can choose to change various operating parameters of the