Dosifix® - 150 ml burette, Neutrapur® with needle free
Safeflow Y-Port........................................................................................... 825 0245 SP
Dosifix® - 150 ml burette, DEHP-Free tubing with Y-Port
for needle access........................................................................................ 825 0294 SP
Neutrapur® - with inline 0.2 µm Sterifix® Filter.............................. 870 0095 SP
with needle-based port + 200 µm filter............................................. 825 0715 SP
secondary line, needle-based .................................................................
A 2581 NF
with needle free Safeflow injection port and integrated BCV..... 825 0710 SP
secondary line with integrated BCV.....................................................
406 2877
Secondary Lines (Preparation)
Cyto-Set Mix, Neutrapur® with 1 Safesite valve and
integrated BCV............................................................................................
A 2902 N
Cyto-Set Mix, Neutrapur® with 1 Safesite valve and
0,2 Sterifix particle filter .........................................................................
A 92023 N
Cyto-Set Line, Neutrapur® with integrated BCV.............................. A 25811 NF
Cyto-Set Line Neutrapur® ....................................................................... A 25812 NF
Application Infusomat Space® Lines
Cyto Set Neutrapur®, with 3 Safesite valves..................................... 825 0910 SP
Cyto Set Neutrapur, with 5 Safesite valves ....................................... 825 0812 SP
Cyto Set Neutrapur® , with 5 Safesite valves and
0.2µm Sterifix® ........................................................................................... 825 0413 SP