A V G A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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Shared settings for stations
Shared settings defined as mandatory in the
Shared settings for stations
(available through upper top menu
) always have higher priority than the
others. Which means, that items set as mandatory in the mentioned settings list
cannot be changed at any lower levels.
Shared settings in group
Shared settings defined as mandatory in the station groups (item
settings in group
available from the specific group workspace via right-clicking
the context menu in the
branch) have higher priority, than the
particular station settings, but lower than the
Shared settings for stations
Individual station settings
Particular settings for stations are considered to have the lowest priority, which
means, that all items set as mandatory in higher levels mentioned above cannot
be changed there.
Individual settings for stations can be accessed from the
item and then
double-clicking the requested station name.
By default, mandatory items are displayed as bold and can be easily changed by right-
clicking on the certain item's lock icon and choosing from the context menu
item value.
The context menu contains also the following options:
All mandatory
- sets mandatory flag to all items in the current dialog.
All monitored
- resets the mandatory flag for all items in the current dialog.
By marking an item as mandatory, the user on the local station will not be able to
customize such setting.
The individual levels are distinguished by icons next to each item. Generally, an item
set as mandatory is marked by the black "locked" lock icon. The icon with red lock
means, that the setting is already set as mandatory in Shared settings for stations
(highest level) and the icon with blue lock indicates, that the setting is marked as
mandatory in Shared settings in group.
The lock icons are not available on the stations.
10.1.2. Alert Manager settings
The Alert Manager settings are available only from AVG Admin Console (i.e. not visible
on AVG station). Here you can select, which events you wish to be sent to the AVG
DataCenter and displayed in the AVG Admin Console (section