Data Sheet
Absolute System Integrity
Faronics Deep Freeze reduces IT helpdesk requests and costs by
63% by making computer configurations indestructible. It does
this by ensuring each and every desktop, laptop, and server always
remains in its perfect, original operating state that it was deployed
in. Organizations enjoy greater computer reliability with lowered
support costs, while IT personnel are freed from tedious helpdesk
requests. In fact, organizations that deploy Deep Freeze experience
a dramatic increase in the number of users and workstations
supported by each IT technician. Deep Freeze’s disk protection still
allows users to save their documents, spreadsheets, and other data to
Thawed (unprotected) drives and partitions.
Deep Freeze Benefits
Provides IT administrators with the ability to deliver a clean
and consistent workstation with each and every session
Liberates IT personnel from tedious system repairs that
arise from software corruption, viruses, malware, spyware,
and configuration drift
Allows users to benefit from an unrestricted yet trouble-free
computing experience where they can still save their data
Enhances IT control over enterprise systems through
network deployment and management capabilities
Reduces the amount of time and money that organizations
spend on IT repairs
Use Faronics Core to control and configure your Deep Freeze workstations.
“I have had teachers near retirement tell me they were ready to call it quits because of erratic and inconsistent computer
software. Not until after last summer when Deep Freeze was installed did they finally remember why they liked to teach.”
– Chuck Taylor, San Juan Unified School District, CA