A V G A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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Mask password
checkbox - Selecting this option will prevent the password from being
displayed on your computer’s monitor.
The installation process on the station is hidden, i.e. a logged user will not be
able to interfere with the installation progress.
Log Level
option allows you to specify the logging detail level:
Errors only
– only application’s run related errors are logged – such as
unauthorized connection attempts, network timeouts and so on.
– information on the operations requested and performed by the
service on a station.
– very detailed records covering the program diagnostics. After selecting
this level, the log files will be very large.
Logging off
- no logs will be saved (default).
Other configurable options:
– TCP/IP communication port, where the AVG Agent service listens for the
wizard connection. The default value is 6150 and usually there is no need to
change this.
– the AVG Agent and wizard communication timeout value in
milliseconds. When there is no response within the specified value in the AVG
Agent and wizard communication process, the connection is terminated with an
error. If you have a very busy network or the stations with AVG installed are
very slow, you can increase this timeout value to prevent connection timeout
Once you select all required parameters, proceed by clicking the