AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
To each account corresponds number of account rights and group access options.
By default, all actions are preset as allowed. To change the settings, simply click on
the account name you wish to change and modify the items in the right part of the
dialogue, either on the Account rights tab, or the Group access tab.
Account rights tab
This tab contains list of actions available for the chosen account name. To
forbid an action, uncheck the checkbox next to its name. If you uncheck the
checkbox next to the name of category (like Stations, Scans etc.), you will
forbid all actions from this category.
Group access tab
The Group access tab allows you to set access rights to user defined groups of
stations. Double-click on one of these groups to trigger a drop down menu (or
right-click on it to trigger the context menu with same contents). Now choose
the permission type.
You can give the user of the account the Full access to the group, allow him/
her just to view the group by selecting Read only, or completely forbid him/
her to access the group by choosing No access option.