AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
Here you can choose the viewing options. The following sections are
Periodic view refresh - check the checkbox and choose a time value in
minutes to enable automatic periodical refresh of the currently opened view.
Station activity monitoring - check the checkbox and choose a time value
in minutes to enable highlighting of the Last contact cell to see if the station
communicates properly.
Tab grouping - check the checkbox to display all columns in one tab (for
easier information access).
Time value display - check the checkbox to convert all time values in all
views to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Unchecking the checkbox returns the
values back to your local time.
Refresh... - refreshes all records displayed in the current view section.
Export the current view contents... - allows you to save the current view
(for example list of stations) into a .csv (comma separated values) file, which
can be easily imported for example into MS Excel or similar spreadsheet
Print... - opens the standard windows print dialogue allowing you to print the
currently opened view.
Tools menu
The Tools menu offers the following options:
Shared settings for stations... - opens a dialogue for editing the shared
configuration for stations (For detailed information on stations shared settings
please refer to chapter
Configuration/Shared Settings for Stations
Shared Firewall settings for stations... - opens a dialogue for editing the
shared configuration for Firewall (For detailed information on Firewall shared
settings please refer to chapter
Configuration/Shared Firewall Settings
Shared settings for e-mail servers... - opens a dialogue for editing the
shared configuration for stations with e-mail server installed (For detailed
information on stations shared settings please refer to chapter