Avaya M770 ATM Manager User Guide
Fault Management
Viewing Traps in a Dialog Box
A list of traps sent by the agent is maintained by the management
application. The list can be viewed in a pull-down list in the Port
Configuration dialog box of the appropriate port.
Viewing Traps in the Event Log
HP OpenView maintains a list of all traps sent by the agents on the
network. They may be viewed by opening the Event Log from the HP
OpenView network map window. For a full description of the Event Log,
refer to the HP OpenView Administrator’s Guide or Avaya MultiService Network
Manager in Standalone Mode User Guide.
Assigning Severity Degrees
* Note: Assigning Severity Degrees applies to only Unix and NT-OV.
Management applications, using the Event Configuration application,
allow you to set fault severity degrees system-wide, (for all devices on the
network simultaneously), or for specific devices (per IP). If the system-
wide setting and an individual device's setting disagree, the individual
device's setting takes precedence.
For more information refer to Severity Degrees in The Reference Guide.
Accessing Severity Degrees
Only events whose category is “Status Events” affect the device’s status.
Events in this category may be found under the enterprises Lannet
(. and Avaya M770 (.
Severity degree settings may be accessed from the Event Configuration
application. To open the Event Configuration application:
From the umbrella management application, select
Tools > Avaya >
Event Configuration
Options >
Event Configuration
. The Event Configuration
application opens.