Streaming Mode
This term indicates a sampling mode in which the oscilloscope samples data and
returns it to the computer in an unbroken stream. This mode of operation is effective
when the input signal being sampled is at low frequency.
Time Base
The time base controls the time interval across the scope display.
Voltage Range
The voltage range is the range between the maximum and minimum voltages that can
be accurately captured by the oscilloscope.
Sinusoidal Waveform
This term describes the waveform characteristics typically found in circuits with large
inductance and capacitance, and often referred to as an AC signal. The waveform
alternates either side of 0 volts or may rise and fall creating a regular sinusoidal shape.
Figure 16-1
Sample Sinusoidal Waveform
This term indicates the maximum voltage generated from the zero volts line of the
This term describes the number of signal occurrences per second. Frequency is
measured in Hz (hertz).