MDU Solutions
– UCrypt
Monitoring Server - Operation Manual
tuner resources.
An Internal Issue
This alert is not generated by any internal issues or conditions other than the lack of sufficient installed tuners.
6 .7 .6 Probable Causes
1. During initial configuration, all available tuners were required to tune the desired lineup and now an additional
unavailable tuner is required to continue to deliver the same lineup.
6 .7 .7 Next Steps
1. Analyze the occurrence of this alert with respect to the program specified as being affected and the changes in the
most recent Channel Map Update (channel map update info will need to be acquired internally from system channel
map administrators).
2. Have the channel that caused the error replaced back into a multiplex contained on one of the QAMs already tuned
by the UCrypt in question.
3. Drop the affected channel from the lineup.
4. Upgrade the number of QAM tuners if the UCrypt in question has less than 60 tuners installed.
6 .8 UCrypt CableCARD™ Module Entitlement Error
6 .8 .1 Refers to
A specific program on a specific CableCARD module does not possess an entitlement enabling it to be decrypted.
Entitlement is necessary for a CableCARD module to decrypt programming therefore a loss of entitlement will result in a
loss of that program on the UCrypt output. Each program must be authorized by the Cable Service Provider’s billing system
allowing it to be decrypted on a specific CableCARD/host slot pair. The Host is the physical slot that the CableCARD module is
inserted into and the “slot” or “Host” itself has a unique identification number. The ID number from the Host and the ID number
from the CableCARD are “paired” in the billing system. CableCARD modules may not be moved between UCrypt devices
without re-pairing.
6 .8 .2 Repetition of Alert
This message is sent only once when it is determined that a specific CableCARD module no longer possesses entitlement to
decrypt the associated program. If the card re-acquires entitlement, then looses it again, another alert is sent.
6 .8 .3 Customer Symptoms
Customer experiences loss of all encrypted programming on affected CableCARD module(s) for the duration that the error
condition exists. All programming that arrives at the UCrypt in the clear as well as all programming on unaffected CableCARD
modules is processed normally.
6 .8 .4 Urgency
Medium - Critical.
6 .8 .5 Cases Where Alert is Likely a Result of:
Outside influence or normal operation
An occurrence of a CableCARD module losing entitlement with no outside influence is rare, though it may be possible. Usually
the card re-acquires entitlement by itself and requires no action. A permanent loss of entitlement on a particular program most
likely indicates an error in the billing system configuration and/or pairing process for that specific CableCARD module .
An Internal Issue
This alert is not generated by any internal issues or conditions.
6 .8 .6 Probable Causes
1. The CableCARD module has not been properly validated & authorized in the Cable Service Provider’s Billing System.
2. The correct package with the program at issue has not been sent in the form of a ‘hit’ to the CableCARD module .
3. A previously paired CableCARD module has been removed from the billing system.
4. A previously authorized service has been changed or deleted in the billing system.
5. The CableCARD module’s entitlement has expired prior to the card receiving an entitlement renewal message.
6. If entitlement has been restored since the alert, there was a temporary loss of entitlement by the CableCARD which