1.0 Introduction
The ACE Target and Studio Cold Start Guide (DOC-TEL-ACE-CS-B-0) supplants the pre-
viously separate ACE Target Cold Start Guide (DOC-02-TEL4-TCS-1) and ACE Studio Cold
Start Guide (DOC-02-TEL4-ASCS-1).
The cold start procedure(s) described in this document allow you to build Telestra systems from
scratch. There are three main reasons for using the cold start procedure:
Installing the latest software version
Rebuilding a damaged hard disk
Creating spare hard disks
The following steps outline the cold start procedure:
1. To back up the Telestra server, see Section 3.0, "Back up the Telestra server" on page 3.
2. To configure the BIOS settings, ensuring the cold start procedure runs properly, see Sec-
tion 4.0, "Configure the BIOS settings" on page 5.
To perform a media check, see Section 5.0, "(Optional) Perform a media
4. To complete the cold start procedure, erase the hard drive, and install the Red Hat and
Telestra Target software. For Red Hat 5 installation instructions, see Section 6.1.1,
"Install Red Hat 5.10 and higher" on page 17. For Red Hat 6 installation instructions, see
Section 6.2, "ACE Target cold start for Red Hat 6.X" on page 20.
5. Configure the network. First, assign a temporary IP address to the Telestra Target, which
allows a web browser to remotely access ACE Target software. Then use the Remote
Management System on a web browser to complete the network setup. To configure the
network, see Section 9.0, "Configure the Telestra Target network" on page 33.
If you purchased ACE Studio software, complete the ACE Studio cold start
procedure on a separate box. To install Red Hat 6 on an ACE Studio development work-
station, see Section 10.2, "ACE Studio cold start procedure for Red Hat 6.X" on page 41.
7. To restore the Telestra server, see Section 11.0, "Restore system backup" on page 46.
8. Upload the Options file. If the Options file is not included in the system backup file, you
must upload it manually. This step enables the software license for system functionality.
For Options file details and upload instructions, see Section 12.0, "Options files" on
page 47.
Copyright © 2018 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
ACE Target and Studio Cold Start Guide (Rev. B, Ver. 0)