SORGENTE/SMILE/ISI-T/UNDERCOUNTER - Installation, Use and Maintenance - cod. A-MAN03 - Rev. 02/2012
8.2 Replacement of the monouse or
rechargeable CO2 bottle
When gas is over, the device starts dispensing less
carbonated water and with a very reduced flow, so it is
necessary to replace the CO2 bottle.
It is possible to use monouse or rechargeable bottles;
the monouse can be utilized once; the rechargeable can
be refilled and used again and usually they have a bigger
content and autonomy.
Replacement of the internal monouse bottle
Set up or replacement of the finished monouse CO
inside the dispenser will be carried out in accordance
with these steps:
• With one hand clutch the pressure reducer
. With the other hand unscrew completely the
bottle keeping it vertical, turning it clockwi-
se (set up) or counterclockwise (replacement).
A possible gas leakage during the set up or replace-
ment operations is normal.Instead a continuous gas
leakage is not normal after the complete screwing up
of the bottle (set up).
• Insert the CO
bottle in its place and lock it with the
proper tear-off clamp. Pay attention that the tube
connected to the pressure reducer does not remain
tensioned or squashed during the CO
bottle set up
or replacement operations.
• The dispenser is ready to dispense 2 hours after the
start up.
If the gas leakage does not end, lock strongly the bottle
to the reducer or replace the sealing gasket.
Do not expose hands or any other part of the body to
the gas because it could cause freeze burns.
La corretta posizione per la messa in
servizio o la sostituzione della bombola
di CO2 è quella verticale con il riduttore
di pressione sopra e la bombola sotto.
Do not expose hands or any other
part of the body to the gas because
it could cause freeze burns.
fig 8.1