C o o p e r W i r i n g D e v i c e s
P a g e |
RFTCP Operating System Protection (HSProtect™)
The operating system (OS) of the RFTCP is stored on drive C on the internal Hard Disk. The
system will allow you to write to any file on the disk, but some directories are protected from
saving the information. The windows system folder is protected in this manner. Any writes to
the system folder are temporary. To commit any changes, use the HSProtect system tray
icon. Right click on this icon and select the “Save Files” icon. This will commit any changes
that you made. Note that under normal operation you do not have to save. For example, the
program files folder and desktop are not protected and any changes are saved immediately.
HSProtect on the RFTCP is different from earlier versions of the RFTCP. Earlier versions
used a version of HSProtect that protected an entire volume; the current version can
protect files at the file and directory level.
Committing data to the C drive
This only needs to be done if you make any changes that affect the Windows folder or the
Windows registry. Right click on the HSProtect system tray icon and select “Save Files”.
This will immediately save any files that you have changed. The program files folder and
desktop are not protected and do not need to be saved in this manner.
Deleting Files
Files can only be deleted if HSProtect is disabled. To do so, right-click the HSProtect icon
and click “Disable”. The RFTCP will need to be restarted for the changes to be fully applied.
Now delete the files you wish to remove. When finished, enable protection and again and
reboot once more.
Advanced Settings
If you want to completely disable the file protection for some length of time, you can do so
with the command line tool “fbwfmgr”. To run this tool, bring up a command prompt and
type one of the following commands
To completely disable the protection: fbwfmgr /disable
To re-enable the protection: fbwfmgr /enable
You must reboot the system before any of these commands will take effect.
Any changes to system settings from the Windows control panel must be committed through
HSProtect. Changes from within HomeSeer do not need to be committed. HomeSeer is
installed in the program files folder, which is not protected. Any changes from within
HomeSeer are typically saved to the HomeSeer folder. The ensuing list will help you determine
when changes must be committed.
Setting the Time Zone
The RFTCP is pre-configured for the correct date and time for Eastern Standard Time
(US). To change the time zone for your unit, follow these steps:
1) Double Click on the clock in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Set the time
zone from the Time Zone tab.
2) Since this change is a change to the operating system, you need to commit the
change to disk. Right click on the HSProtect system tray icon and select “Save
Changes to Drive C”. Now restart the unit to commit the changes.