Effluent Pumps
Model: EPH30
Receiving and Installation
Receiving Inspection
Upon receiving the pump, it should be inspected for
damage or shortages. If damage has occurred, file a claim
immediately with the company that delivered the pump.
If the manual is removed from the packaging, do not lose
or misplace.
Any product that is stored for a period longer than six (6)
months from the date of purchase should be bench
tested prior to installation. A bench test consists of,
checking the impeller to assure it is free turning and a run
test to assure the motor (and switch if provided) operate
properly. Do not pump out of liquid.
IMPORTANT! A clearance under the
pump for entrance of sewage solids
must be a minimum of 2 inches to a maximum of 3.5
The pump should always be operated in the submerged
condition. The minimum sump liquid level should never
be less than above the pump’s motor (see fig. 1), unless
very briefly.
The sump or basin shall be sealed and vented in accor-
dance with local plumbing codes. This pump is designed
to pump domestic wastewater, nonexplosive and non-
corrosive liquids and shall NOT be installed in locations
classified as hazardous in accordance with the
National Electrical Code (NEC) ANSI/ NFPA 70 or Cana-
dian Electric Code
(CEC). The pump
should never be
installed in a
trench, ditch,
or hole with
a dirt bottom.
The legs will
sink into the
dirt and the
suction will
Discharge Piping
Install discharge piping or hose assembly to the pump.
Discharge piping should be as short as possible and sized no
smaller than the pump discharge. Do not reduce the dis-
charge pipe size below that which is provided on the pump.
Both a check valve and a shut-off valve are recommended
for each pump. The check valve is used to prevent backflow
into the sump. The shut-off valve is used to manually stop
system flow during pump servicing. Be sure the discharge
pipe has a 1/8” diameter hole approx. 5” from end nearest
volute and oriented towards the pump body.
Control Panel
Single phase series effluent pumps DO NOT require a con-
trol panel, but do require a level control with a piggy back
plug, see “Piggy-back Plug, figure 2” below.
Each motor is provided with heat sensor thermo-
stats attached directly to the motor windings. The
thermostats open if the motor windings see excessive heat
and, in turn, open the motor contactor in the control panel
when used, breaking the power to the pump. When the
motor is stopped due to an overheated condition, it will
not start until the motor has cooled.
Before operating pump, check to make sure that voltage
and phase information stamped on the pump’s identifica-
tion plate matches the available power.
Before putting pump into service for the first time, the
motor rotation must be checked. Improper motor rota-
tion can result in poor pump performance and
can damage the motor and/or pump.
Note the numbers on the pumps identification plate and
record in this manual for future reference.
Electrical Connections
Turn circuit breaker off before
plugging or unplugging the
switch and/or pump.
Always rely upon a Certified Electrician for installation.
Piggy-Back Plug
Plug the
level control plug into a
115V receptacle, then plug
the pump into the piggy-back
plug (See Figure 2). It is
recommended that this circuit
have a 15 AMP breaker. One
cycle of operation should be
observed, so that any potential
problems can be corrected.