IP Routing Configuration Example
Setting up IP routing in the Configure menu
Pipeline Start Here Guide
Preliminary January 30, 1998
Entering configuration information
To open the Configure menu, be sure the pointer (>) is on Configure, and press
Enter. The following list shows the parameters on the Configure menu and what
you should enter for each one.
The information in the following table is a continuation of the example
that starts at Appendix A, “TCP/IP Example Settings.”.
After entering all the information called for in the Configure menu, be sure to
continue on to “Setting up Network Address Translation (NAT)” on page B-8 and
“Securing the Pipeline” on page B-9.
Configure menu with
sample values
What you should enter
Switch Type=NI1
Use AutoSPID for the Switch Type, and the Pipeline will
determine the switch type and guess the SPIDs for you.
Chan Usage=Switch/Switch
Use the default shown when connecting to ISDN.
My Num A=8005551111
My Num B=8005551112
Enter the complete directory number for each of your B
channels. They are the phone numbers for your ISDN line.
SPID 1=800555111101
SPID 2=800555111202
Check the values guessed by AutoSPID. If necessary, enter
the numbers the telephone company gave you.
Data Usage=A+B
Phone 1 Usage=A
Phone 2 Usage=B
Phone Num Binding=No
Ans Voice Call=Yes
Use the defaults shown for a Pipeline 75 or 85. The phone
usage and binding settings do not apply to a Pipeline 50.
My Name=outpost1
My Addr=
Enter the account name assigned by your ISP or corporate
network administrator, and enter the IP address that was
given to you. Or enter a private address and subnet mask for
your Pipeline.