Running Asanté TroubleShooter Diagnostics
Run the Asanté TroubleShooter Diagnostics program to identify
problems in the installation. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information.
Other tips
About EtherTalk Phase 1 and Phase 2
If you have installed EtherTalk Phase 1 and Phase 2, selecting Phase 1
may make Phase 2 network resources invisible and unavailable. The
reverse is true for Phase 2. To see if this is the case, switch from one
EtherTalk icon to the other.
Phase 1 networks are limited to 254 nodes and one zone. In a Phase
2 network up to 16 million nodes can be addressed on an Ethernet-
network. Phase 2 networks support multiple zones sharing the same
physical cable. A great majority of network installations now use only
Phase 2.