Using TroubleShooter Diagnostic Software
What the Bandwith Utilization test displays
The Bandwidth Utilization test takes a “snap shot” of the network. The
test can be used in conjunction with other network analysis tools to
identify network problems. A number of network criteria are tested
and displayed in the window. The criteria are described briefly below:
Good packets received
Total number of good packets (error-free) received from
the network by the adapter. This allows you to evaluate
activity on the network. Activity level can be used as a
benchmark to determine changes in network performance.
Total bytes received
Total number of bytes received from the network by the
adapter. Good Packets received displays the total number of
packets, not the packet size. Total bytes received is more
specific giving the actual byte count.
Number of reset byte count
This number increments by (1) after each 10
byte received
from the network by the adapter.
CRC Error
Indicates the number of packets with CRC (Cyclic Redun-
dancy Check) errors received from the network by the
adapter. When a packet is transmitted, a mathematical cal-
culation is done on the header and data and is appended to
the end of the frame. The receiver of the packet performs
the same computation. If the computations are not equal,
the packet is discarded and a CRC error is issued.
Frame Alignment Error
Number of misaligned packets received from the network
by the adapter. An Ethernet frame is misaligned if it does
not end in an 8 bit boundary.
FIFO Overrun Error
This error occurs when FIFO (First In First Out) is disabled
causing an overflow during reception. The reception of the
packet is aborted.
Frame Lost Error
This error represents the number of lost frames received
from the network by the adapter.
ENSC Ch 3 Page 6 Monday, August 26, 1996 2:51 PM