Series Reference Manual
Page 42
Rev 2.02
If the WFE is executed to enter Sleep mode, the MCU exits Sleep mode as soon as an event occurs.
The wakeup event can be generated by the following:
Enabling a peripheral interrupt (it is not enabled in the NVIC) and enabling the SEVONPEND bit.
When the MCU resumes, the peripheral interrupt pending bit and NVIC channel pending bit must
be cleared.
Configuring an internal EXINT line as an event mode to generate a wakeup event.
The wakeup time required for a WFE instruction is the shortest, since no time is wasted on interrupt
Deepsleep Mode
Deepsleep mode is entered by setting the SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex
-M4 system control register
and clearing the LPSEL bit in the power control register before WFI or WFE instructions.
The LDO status is selected by setting the VRSEL bit in the power control register (PWC_CTRL). When
VRSEL=0, the LDO works in normal mode. When VRSEL=1, the LDO is set in low-power consumption
Additionally, when VRSEL=1 is set in Deepsleep mode, it means that the voltage regulator is in low-
power mode. In this case, it is possible to further reduce power consumption in Deepsleep mode by
setting the VREXLPEN bit (voltage regulator extra low power mode enable).
In Deepsleep mode, all clocks in 1.2 V domain are stopped, and both HICK and HEXT oscillators are
disabled. The LDO supplies power to the 1.2 V domain in normal mode or low-power mode. All I/O pins
keep the same state as in Run mode. SRAM and register contents are preserved.
When the Sleep mode is entered by executing a WFI instruction, the interrupt generated on any
external interrupt line in Interrupt mode can wake up the system from Deepsleep mode.
When the Sleep mode is entered by executing a WFE instruction, the interrupt generated on any
external interrupt line in Event mode can wake up the system from Deepsleep mode.
When the MCU exits the Deepsleep mode, the HICK RC oscillator is enabled and selected as a system
clock after stabilization. When the LDO operates in low-power mode, an additional wakeup delay is
incurred for the reason that the LDO must be stabilized before the system is waken from the Deepsleep
Standby Mode
Standby mode can achieve the lowest power consumption for the device. In this mode, the LDO is
disabled. The whole 1.2 V domain, PLL, HICK and HEXT oscillators are also powered off except
VDD/VDDA domain. SRAM and register contents are lost.
The Standby mode is entered by the following procedures:
Set the SLEEPDEE bit in the Cortex
-M4 system control register
Set the LPSEL bit in the power control register (PWC_CTRL)
Clear the SWEF bit in the power control/status register (PWC_CTRLSTS)
Execute a WFI/WFE instruction
In Standby mode, all I/O pins remain in a high-impedance state except reset pins, TAMPER pins that
are set as anti-tamper or calibration output, and the wakeup pins enabled.
The MCU leaves the Standby mode when an external reset (NRST pin), an WDT reset, ERTC timestamp,
ERTC tamper event and a rising edge on the WKUP pin or the rising edge of an ERTC alarm event
Debug mode
By default, the debug connection is lost if the MCU enters Deepsleep mode or Standby mode while
debugging. The reason is that the Cortex
-M4 core is no longer clocked. However, the software can be
debugged even in the low-power mode by setting some configuration bits in the DEBUG register