Note: When the sensor is uncovered by the web the zero scale analog value
would be output. As the web moves left to cover the web, the analog value
would increase and reach the full scale value when the web completely
covers the sensor.
4: Analog output is enabled and the right edge position is output.
Note: When the sensor is uncovered by the web the zero scale analog value
would be output. As the web moves right to cover the web, the analog value
would increase and reach the full scale value when the web completely
covers the sensor.
5: Analog output is enabled and the center line position is
output. The centerline position is the average of the left and the right edge
position of the web.
Note: If only one edge is seen the output would be the average of the edge
position within the window and the extreme position corresponding to the
unseen edge.
6: Analog output is enabled and the width of the web is output. The width is
computed by taking the difference between the rightmost edge position and
the leftmost edge position. The analog output is proportionally scaled based
on the sensor range. The ratio of the web width to the sensor range is output
through the analog. If two sensors are used then the width would only
correspond to the portion of the web that is seen by each sensor.
7: Analog output is enabled and the web coverage is output. The coverage is
the percentage of the sensor covered by web(s). This is used when webs can
have gaps or voids in them. Unlike width output, which takes the leftmost
edge and the rightmost edge, the coverage will not include the gaps/void
between the leftmost edge and the rightmost edge.
Note: There is only one analog output while two sensors can be connected to
the controller. Please be aware that enabling the analog output for the
sensors would result in unpredictable results. Always disable one sensor
while selecting the output of the other sensor.
Note: If the sensor orientation is left sensor or right sensor then the analog
mode selection value of 3 - 7 will have no effect. The analog output would
always correspond to the respective orientation.
Note: The analog mode 2 has the highest priority followed by mode 1. If any
one of the sensors have these bits enabled then the analog output will always
provide the high or low output based on the priority. Always disable one
sensor while selecting the output for the other sensor.
Find sensor
0: Disable find sensor operation
1: Enable find sensor operation by resetting the orientation and allowing the
sensor to detect the web orientation.
Note: This bit is momentary when set to one. Every time the find sensor
operation needs to be enabled the bit needs to be cleared to zero before
setting it to one.
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SCU5: Sensor and Web Guide Controller User Manual v 3.6| Page 55
Copyright © 2021 Roll-2-Roll Technologies LLC