Viale Paradiso 19 - I - 10040 RIVAROSSA - (TO) Tel . : +39-011-9700112 - Fax. : +39-011-9700112
E mail : [email protected] Web: Web DYNAMO :
To install the rudder servo proceed as follows:
1 - Using the template provided (Item25) drawing the outline for the quarters of the Servo .
2 - Using a Dremel with a cutting disc remove the part drawn and finish with sandpaper
3 - Mount the Servo Graupner DS806 BBMG in the servo mount provided (item19). In case of use of different actuators verify the
dimensional compatibility use only servos maximum thickness of 19 mm .
4 - Place the servo mount with servo on the support plate and mark the bonding area.
5 - Finish the bonding area with sand paper.
6 - Glue the servo mount in place using epoxy type EP30 taking care to position the plane of the rod command perpendicular to the
axis of rotation of the movable part perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the movable part .
7 - For when dry remove the servo and the protective film and replace the servo and secure it using the fixing screws supplied with
the actuator .
8 - Secure the cover(Item 17) with No. 4 self-tapping screws fastening (Item 34)
9 - Prepare a push rod with axle spacing 82.0 mm using a uniball (Item 42) + aluminum rod L = 80.0 mm (Item 39) + (Item 38) rod
10 - Mount on the uniball No. 2 horns (Item 21) having care to hone the terminal bonding area of the rod and tighten the whole
11- Mount the push rod on the servo horn and place the control horn with at 10 mm from the rotation slot open with a bur Ø 2.00 two
slots of an appropriate length.
12 - Prepare the adhesive EP30 with filler and fill the slots previously obtained by inserting the group control horn / uniball and wait
to dryness occurred taking care to position the axis of rotation parallel to the axis of rotation of mobile part.
The DYNAMO is provided for the installation of electric retracts, we suggest ELECTRON retracts (See Pos 50-51-52-53-54), you
can also mount other types of landing gears with similar dimensions.
For the assembly of the Landing gear proceed as follows:
1 - Using the template (Item23) drawing the edge for open the hole for mount the landing gear.
2 - Using a Dremel with cutting disc open the landing gear hole and finish with sand paper the edge.
3 - Put in the hole of support plate, Nr.4 blind nut with the correct diameter for the landing gear, and glue it With EP30.
4 - When dry mount the landing gear and take care to pass the cables or air tube in the correct hole.