SCPI Command Reference
Command Reference
This chapter contains reference information on programming AT680 with the SCPI
This chapter provides descriptions of all the AT680's available RS-232 commands which
correspond to Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) command sets,
listed in functional subsystem order.
7.1 Terminator
The EOI line is asserted by New Line or ASCII Line Feed character (decimal 10
Hex 0x0A
or ASCII ‘\n’)
7.2 Notation Conventions and Definitions
The following conventions and definitions are used in this chapter to describe RS-232
< > Angular brackets enclose words or characters that are used to symbolize a program
code parameter or an RS-232 command.
[ ] A square bracket indicates that the enclosed items are optional.
\n Command Terminator
7.3 Command Structure
The AT680 commands are divided into two types: Common commands and SCPI
The common commands are defined in IEEE std. 488.2-1987, and these commands are
common for all devices. The SCPI commands are used to control all of the AT68x's
The SCPI commands are tree structured three levels deep. The highest level commands
are called the subsystem commands in this manual. So the lower level commands are
legal only when the subsystem commands have been selected.
A colon (
) is used to separate the higher level commands and the lower level commands.
Semicolon (;) A semicolon does not change the current path but separates two commands
in the same message.