Antti-Teollisuus Oy
408102 02-2020
Vacboost WM09
Dryer Heater
For a gas heater, the heater room must be provided with an opening of at least 2 times the size of the suction
air opening. This opening can be provided with doors, which are mechanically secured to remain open during
the drying process. The doors can also be provided with an electric limit switch, which enables the burner to
be in operation only while the door is in the open-position. The limit switch shall be connected in series with the
vacuum switch.
To ensure unobstructed flow of inlet air, you must provide at least one metre of free space at the sides and above
the suction nets.
The burner shall be provided with an unobstructed supply of combustion air at all times. The distance from the
burner's rear part to the doorway must be less than 0.5 m.
The area of the suction air openings for the gas-fuelled heater for dimensioning the opening in the
heater room:
The heater 400-1500 kW:
- Area of the suction air opening for the heater 2.3 m²
- Size of the opening in the heater room: at least 4,6 m²
The heater 1500-3000 kW:
- Area of the suction air opening for the heater 4.9 m²
- Size of the opening in the heater room: at least 9,8 m²