48 DECADE user manual, edition 9
There are at least two ways to activate a contact by TTL-low. This can be
done by making a contact closure of the input with common (see Fig. 13,
‘START’ command) or by using an external TTL contact which is made low
(see Fig. 13, ‘RESET’ command). In the latter case it is important that the
status of the external contact is known, and that the apparatus is connected
to the same ground (by the mains power supply) as the DECADE.
Table VIII. I/O contacts, upper 12 pins connector. Default status of output
connections is low (0 V). The connections 1-8 are only accessible in the
AUTO mode (master and slave mode).
No. Name Function
open collector output, I max. 250 mA, U max. 28 V
open collector output, I max. 250 mA, U max. 28 V
3, 4, 5
relay 1
contact between 5 (common) and 4 (default) or 3, I max. 500
mA, U max. 28 V
6, 7, 8
relay 2
contact between 8 (common) and 7 (default) or 6, I max. 500
mA, U max. 28 V
Cell off
software 3.00 and higher: trigger to switch off the cell (level
Cell on
software 3.00 and higher: trigger to switch on the cell (level
+24 V
+24 V output, I max. 500 mA
12 common
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