3. Natural Sourdough
Sourdough bread is a bread with a unique
flavour, made from a starter. The sour-
dough starter takes some preparation so
the bread making needs to be planned for
in advance. There are varying methods of
making a sourdough starter, but the follow-
ing is simple and effective, using ingredi-
ents you will already have for breadmak-
1. Mix the flour and yeast together in a
large bowl. Making a well in the middle
of the flour mix, add the water, gradually
blending together to make a thick batter.
2. Cover the mix with a cloth and leave for
3-5 days. The starter should rise in the
bowl and bubble. This shows the starter
is active.
3. Once the starter is bubbling, discard half
of the mix and add 225g flour and 150ml
water. Mix until combined then cover
the starter for another 2 days. This step
is called ‘feeding’.
4. The starter needs to be fed every 2 days,
and whenever you take some of the
starter to make bread.
5. If you are using the starter every 2-3
days for making bread the starter can
stay covered in the kitchen. If the start-
er is not required for bread making very
often, put it in an airtight jar in the
fridge. Before using the starter after it
has been in the fridge, allow it to come
to room temperature, stir it, then feed it
to ensure there is plenty of activity be-
fore using it for bread making.
Strong Bread Flour 450g
2 small spoons
Water, lukewarm