Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrC | Page 224 of 338
Table 88. Summary of Digital GPIO Output Features
GPIO Pins Available for Feature
Control out Mux
Allows a choice of Main/RX/TX control signals to output from ADRV9001 to
monitor the status of the device
DGPIO0 through DGPIO_11
Manual Pin Toggle
Manual control the GPIO output level, API functions set output pin levels
and read the input pin levels
DGPIO0 through DGPIO_11
Monitor WakeUp
Interrupt signal to wake up baseband processor/DSP when baseband
processor/DSP is in sleep state
DGPIO0 through DGPIO_11
Rx AGC overload
Allows output the AGC overload signals
DGPIO0 through DGPIO_11
Allows output the SSI reference clock for baseband processor to generate
the TX SSI clock, data and strobe to ADRV9001
DGPIO_12 through DGPIO_13
TX Channel 1 SSI reference clock
out pin select,
DGPIO_14 through DGPIO_15
TX Channel 2 SSI reference clock
out pin select
Control Out Mux
Control Out Mux (sometimes referred as “Monitor out”) allows status signals within the ADRV9001 to be output to digital GPIOs, such
as, AGC mode the gain change flag, gain index can be mapped to DGPIO for BBIC observation by API
ADRV9001 internal stream status can be mapped to DGPIO for the accurate Tx/Rx enable control affective timing measurement,
adi_adrv9001_Stream_Gpio_Debug_Set() can be called to enable this feature, DGPIO0~3 is configured to represent the Tx/Rx Enable
control effective timing. Please refer Pin control mode timing measurement for the detail.
Rx AGC Overload Indicator
The status of peak detectors and power detector in the Rx channel can be retrieved to baseband processor through a set of DGPIO pins.
One DGPIO configuration is for using the peak detect mode, in which the overrange and under-range conditions of both APD and HB
detectors are provided to user. The other DGPIO configuration is for using the peak/power detect mode, in which the overrange and
underrange conditions of APD and power detector are provided to user.
The DGPIO pins could be associated with either one of the receivers, Rx1 or Rx2. However, when the similar information is required for
both receivers, they could be selectively muxed and provided to user simultaneously.
Data structure of adi_adrv9001_GainControlCfg_t, and of its substructures, adi_adrv9001_PeakDetector_t, adi_adrv9001_PowerDetector_t
initialize the necessary Gain control parameters as well as the digital GPIO pins assignment for the overload indicator, API command
adi_adrv9001_Rx_GainControl_Configure() is provided to set the parameters. (See the Receiver Gain Control section for details.)
Manual Pin Toggle
This feature allows control of the logic level of individual digital GPIO pins, adi_adrv9001_gpio_ManualOutput_Configure() configures
the relative GPIO to manual control mode, the adi_adrv9001_gpio_OutputPinLevel_Set() command is used to set the output level of
GPIO pins. adi_adrv9001_gpio_OutputPinLevel_Get() command is used to read the GPIO pins output levels.
Additionally, adi_adrv9001_gpio_InputPinLevel_Get() command can be used to read the input GPIO level if the relative GPIO is
configured as input by adi_adrv9001_gpio_ManualInput_Configure() .
Monitor Wake-Up Baseband Processor/DSP
Certain digital GPIO pin can be assigned as “wake up baseband processor/DSP” to output the interrupt signal to wake up the baseband
processor/DSP when ADRV9001 works in monitor mode and specific detection conditions are met.
Enum “ADI_ADRV9001_GPIO_SIGNAL_MON_BBIC_WAKEUP” is used to as DPGIO for monitor wake up interrupt signal, API
adi_adrv9001_gpio_Configure() is called to enable this function.
This mode allows to configure the DGPIO pins to a pair of differential or a single-ended reference clock for baseband processor if the TX
SSI and RX SSI runs at different lane rate, the users could use this reference clock to generate the TX LSSI clock, data and strobe when the
RX SSI and TX SSI run at different clock rate. TX1_DCLK_OUT± functionality can be assigned DGPIO_12 and DGPIO_13 when it is in LVDS
mode, or either of DGPIO_12 or DGPIO_13 can be used as the Tx1 DCLK out if it is in CMOS mode. Similarly, TX2_DCLK_OUT±