August 2012
Direct mode is used to directly control the motion for real time movements through serial communica-
tion. The DPE25611 controller has 40 commands which are easy to remember for direct movement
of a step motor.
COM Port Settings
Baud Rate:
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control:
Unit Selection
In order to select a unit the @ command followed by 0 (address of the unit) must be sent.
NOTE: There should be no spaces between the @ and address select.
How to select the unit:
(Unit is selected)
(Unit is selected)
(Unit 29 is selected)
How to get a response from the unit:
(Carriage Return)
After the $ command, the DPE25611 will return a SMC60 + the current revision number.
Note: In direct talk mode each command is followed by a carriage return.
The unit communicates in half duplex mode, therefore proper setup of hyper terminal is necessary to
view characters, if characters are to be echoed back to the screen.
All instructions require that no spaces be sent between the command and the parameter followed by
a carriage return.
@0 not @ 0 correct: @0 (carriage return)
incorrect: @0 (carriage return)
Section 5: Direct Talk Mode
Command Summary:
A - Acceleration/Deceleration
B - Base Speed
C - Steps Between Outputs
D - 1
Output on the Fly Position
EA - Encoder Auto Correct Enabled
ED - Encoder Delay
EM - Encoder Motor Ratio
ER - Encoder Retries
ET - Encoder reset
EW - Encoder Window
G - Go Number of Steps
H - Home
I - Read Inputs
J - Fast Jog Speed
M - Max Speed
N - Number of Steps
O - Set Outputs
P - Absolute Position
S - Go Slew
T - Motor Current Enabled
V - Verify
Z - Position
! - Error Codes Register
$ - Versions Number
% - Verify
‘ - Index on the Fly Enabled
( - Output on the Fly Enabled
+ - Clockwise Direction
, - Stop Soft
- - Counterclockwise Direction
. - Stop Hard
/ - Thumbwheel Enabled
: - Analog Position Enabled
; - Analog Speed Enabled
[ - Analog Speed Lower Limit
] - Analog Speed Upper Limit
^ - Number of Outputs
{ - Analog Position Lower Limit
} - Analog Position Upper Limit
~ - Set Address of DPE25611
July 2018