August 2012
General Description
The DPE25611 is a single-axis 2.5A bipolar microstep driver/controller, containing 2 Kbytes of
nonvolatile stored programming space, quadrature encoder feedback, and a 24W power supply,
all enclosed in a package. It provides flexible, independent control of bipolar stepper motors
with a current range from 0.5 to 2.5 amp/phase with a microstepping resolution of 1,600 steps
per revolution from a computer or any machine controller with a USB port. It is also capable of
standalone operation, making it an embedded machine controller. The easy to use Windows
software, SMC60WIN, can be used to directly control motion and to program the DPE25611. The
DPE25611 also has the ability for real time functions.
The DPE25611 has 40 commands, which are easy-to-remember for direct movement of the
stepper motor and communicates via an USB data bus. This driver is provided to communicate
with the DY50611 through a virtual comport from the PC. This driver will turn any USB port into a
virtual comport, thus enabling simple serial programs to send information to the DPE25611. To
use the SMC60WIN Software, the virtual comport driver must be installed. Special functions of
the controller include 8 programmable open collector outputs and 6 TTL, CMOS and 24V compat-
ible inputs, a quadrature encoder input with the ability to auto correct, an analog input to control
either maximum speed or absolute position, registration mark indexing during a slew command,
an output that will trigger during an index command at an absolute position, and a thumbwheel
input for indexing a motor. The DPE25611 can be powered from 100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz.
Section 1:
The driver in the DPE25611 (MBC25081) is a microstep motor driver that can drive motors rated
from 0.5 to 2.5 amps/phase. It can handle 4, 6 and 8-lead motors in a bipolar fashion. The
DPE25611’s driver features motor current ON/OFF capabilities and a Reduced Current Enabled
to automatically reduce motor current to 50% of the set value after the last step is made (20msec
The controller in the DPE25611 (PCL601ISB) provides independent programming of acceleration/
deceleration, base speed (start up speed), max speed (running speed), jog speed, and the number
of steps to be taken in both relative and absolute positioning modes. On absolute positioning
moves, the DPE25611 automatically determines the proper direction to go and the number of
steps to take. The relative positioning will move a number of steps in the direction that the user
defines. The DPE25611 also has specific functions such as
encoder feedback, autocorrection,
index-on-the-fly and output-on-the-fly.
An analog input can be used to set either the maximum
speed or go to an absolute position based between the upper and lower programmable limits. A
seven decade thumbwheel switch can be read for relative indexing. The DPE25611 also has a
high level programming command set that includes: branching, looping, conditional statements,
time delays, text strings, and I/O which the user can use in the programming mode to fully control
all machine functionality. A home input, a set of bidirectional jog inputs are provided for each axis.
These features are generally required in most machine control designs. 6 testable TTL, CMOS
and 24V compatible inputs and 8 programmable open-collector outputs are provided per axis.
The I/O may be used for monitoring and controlling machine operation and/or interaxis coordi-
nation. The I/O are accessible independent of the busy state of axis controls. The DPE25611
has a built-in programmable reset circuit. Reset is automatic on power-up, or by pressing the
external reset button.
July 2018