August 2012
Add Tab Sheets - Motion Commands
Set program acceleration & deceleration parameter. (step/sec
Base Speed
Set program base (start) speed rate. (step/sec)
Max Speed
Set program maximum (running) speed rate. (step/sec)
Set Jog Speed
Set program jogging speed rate. (step/sec)
Set Position
Set motor position.
Direction CW (CCW)
Set direction to clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Motor Current ON (OFF)
Set the current in the motor on or off.
This command allows the user to enter a delay in milliseconds.
Relative move command will allow motor to move the defined number of steps entered.
Move to Position
Absolute move command will move motor to the position specified.
Set Position
Allows user to change the position register in the controller.
Finish Move
Command will allow any motion command to be completed before continuing to the
next line of code. This command should be used after every motion command.
Repeat Last Move
Command will repeat the previous index move. Do not use with encoder auto correct
Home to Soft, Home Limits
Command will begin motion in the direction last entered, seeking the soft input first to
slow the motor down to base speed, then to stop when the home limit is triggered.
Home to Home Limit
Command will begin motion seeking the home limit which will slow the motor down to
base speed, reverse the direction and stop when the home limit is no longer triggered.
Slew (move continuously)
Command will ramp motor up to max speed and keep moving until triggered to stop.
Stop Soft
Ramp motor down to base speed and stop.
Stop Hard
Stop any motor motion immediately.
End of Program
This command is required as the last command in the program code.
July 2018