September 2012
Terminating Resistor
To eliminate noise on the transmission lines a terminating resistor may need to be used. If needed
the termination resistor need only be added to the last (furthest from the converter box) controller
in the network. A termination resistor with a value of 120 ohms is needed in certain conditions;
when using a 4000ft. or longer cable and a baud rate of 38400 or when using a 2000ft. or longer
cable and a baud rate of 57600. If you need to add a terminating resistor, contact the factory for
the exact location on the board.
Status LED (Controller)
When powered and operated properly, the status LED will green. When an error occurs, the LED
will change to RED and an error code will be generated in the error code register. To read and
clear the error with the software, click on the “Verify Parameters” button located in the “Motion
Tab”. To read and clear the error while in “Direct Mode” use the ! command. Once the error has
been read and cleared, the LED will return to green and the error code register will be cleared.
Refer to the table in section 5 for a list of the error codes.
Technical Support
Everyone needs help on occasion. If you have problems using any of the equipment covered by
this manual, please read the manual to see if it will answer the questions you have. Be sure to
look in the troubleshooting section located near the back of this manual. If you need assistance
beyond what this manual can provide, you can call the factory direct for application assistance.
If possible, have this manual in hand. It is often helpful to have the unit connected to a computer
with the software installed.
July 2018