September 2012
Baud Selection
The baud rate is selected using 3 jumpers (JP1 - JP3). They are selected the same way that the
address jumpers are selected. The table below shows how to configure the jumpers for a given
baud rate. JP3 is the LSB and JP1 is the MSB.
Baud Rate Jumper Setting
Baud Rates
A term used frequently in serial data communications. A “baud” is defined as the reciprocal of the
shortest pulse duration in a data word signal, including start, stop, and parity bits. This is often
taken to mean the same as “bits per second”, a term that expresses only the number of “data”
bits per second. Very often, the parity bit is included as an information or data bit. The PCL501
accepts the following baud rates:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Methods of Communication
There are two methods for sending commands to the DPC50501’s controller. One is to directly
talk to the controller by using Direct Talk Mode. This is usually used with a computer or PLC (Pro-
grammable Logic Controller), where the computer or PLC gives the controller serial commands to
off-load its processor. For example: A PLC can utilize its outputs to toggle the controller’s inputs
and gain control of variable speeds, variable programs, variable distances, etc. Simply using
the controller as the intelligent pulse generator a PLC can remove some of the tasks that were
not meant for ladder logic or any PLC processing time. The second way to give commands to
the controller is to use the software program SMC50WIN to either manually control or write and
send programs. This method is used when the controller is the main controller. For example: A
DPC50501 can replace simple motion control and replace I/O functional when minimal quantities
of I/O are required to control specific machinery. Simple motion profiles that can operate with 4
or less inputs and 2 or less outputs can utilize a DPC50501 controller.
RS232 to RS485 Protocol
The controller can be connected to your PC serial port via an RS485 or RS422 converter box.
The RS232 converter will convert the RS232 communication format to the RS485 or RS422 for-
mat. Only one converter box is needed per serial port. Contact the factory for RS485 converter
information and sales.
July 2018