September 2012
Motion Tab Sheet Tutorial
This tutorial will demonstrate the motion tab sheet:
1. Start the SMC50WIN software and power up the controller.
2. Click the connect icon and establish communications with the controller.
3. With the motion tab sheet displayed.
4. Enter 400 for the “Move number of steps below” button.
5. Click the “Move number of steps below” button, the motor should move 400 steps - 1
revolution on a 200 steps/rev motor running in half step mode.
Send Program to Controller Send current program to the controller.
View Program in Controller
View program in the controller memory.
Enable Autostart
Program will start when controller is powered up.
Disable Autostart
Program will only execute when run is clicked.
Execute the program in the controller memory.
Abort program execution.
Adds a new line of code to the end of the program.
Edits the currently selected line of code.
Insert a new line of code before the currently selected line of code.
Deletes the currently selected line of code.
Program Tab Sheet
July 2018