September 2012
The Controller has a fault condition.
Possible Solutions:
1. Verify your program for improper syntax that may cause an error code.
2. Physically press the reset button on the controller to clear an error.
3. Another way to clear an error is by using either the SMC50WIN software or the direct
mode command instructions set.
4. The SMC50WIN can clear an error in the real time motion tab section by clicking on
the verify parameters button.
5. The direct mode commands can clear an error by simply prompting the error codes
Example: @0! (carriage return)
Description: Select the unit address by typing @ followed by the address number and !
(Error Codes Register) and a carriage return.
Note: Read the Error returned to the screen to better understand what can be causing
the fault condition. The error is return in binary coded decimal format. If two errors were
received, their binary values would be added together.
Error Code
Receive Overflow
The serial communications had a receiving error. This is an internal
error caused by the computer.
Command Error
A bad command was sent to the controller. Please check to see that
the command being sent is valid.
Motor Error
Motor speed profiles are set incorrectly. Please make sure that the
base speed is less than the max speed and that the speeds are within
their valid ranges.
Range Overflow Error
There was an invalid number of commands and characters sent to the
controller. Check to see if the parameters are invalid for the command
that was sent.
Transmit Error
To many parameters sent back to the PC. This is an internal error
caused by the EEProm.
Mode Error
Controller is in a wrong mode. Some commands are good only in pro-
gramming mode, while others are good only in direct mode. Check the
direct mode section to see which commands are good in direct mode.
Zero Parameters Error There were no parameters sent to the controller. A command was sent
to the controller that expected to see parameters after the command.
Memory Range Error
The specified address is out of range. This is caused by overflowing
the program memory by having a program that is to large.
Memory Command
The command pulled from memory is invalid. The command that was
stored into the EEProm was non-executable by the program. This is
an internal error.
Busy Error
The controller is sending out clocks to the driver and can not execute
the next instruction.
Error Codes
July 2018