September 2012
V - Verify
Description: This command can be used with most commands to verify the register con-
tents. This is a read only command. Valid Commands are: A, B, F, J, M, N, 0, P, Z, and +.
O - Sets Outputs
O [value]
Description: This command sets the outputs according to the binary value. Output 1 is
the LSB and output 2 is the MSB.
0 - 3
I - Read Inputs
Description: This command returns the binary value of the inputs to the PC. Since the
inputs are pulled up internally, they will return a high when they are pulled low. For example,
if all inputs are active (grounded), the command will return a 15. If all inputs are inactive
(open), the command will return a 0. Input 1 is the LSB, input 2 is the second bit, input 3 is
the third bit, and input 4 is the MSB.
L0 - Get Limit Status
Description: This command returns the binary value of the hard and soft in a binary format.
The soft limit is the LSB and the hard limit is the MSB.
LS - Soft Limit Input Bit
Description: This command will ramp the clocks down to base speed. The move type
then determines what will happen. In a relative or absolute type motion the controller will
continue to the set position and stop. In a slew type motion the controller will ramp down
and stop.
July 2018