Because most Smart Cards use EEPROM for data storage, if the
new value to be stored at a location has any one bits where the old
value had zero bits, the byte (or maybe a larger section of storage
space) must be erased prior to writing the new value. In many cards
the operation called “update” performs an erase before writing the
new value to the card. Consult your card documentation to
determine the exact nature of the “update” operation for your card.
User Connector
The card Connector visible to the user. When the Model 152 goes
through a power cycle, this Connector is selected.
One of the communications protocols supported by the Model 152
for communications between the reader and the host. This protocol
is unique to Axiohm - American Magnetics. This protocol allows
fuller usage of the features of the Model 152.
Because most Smart Cards use EEPROM for data storage, if the
new value to be stored at a location has any one bits where the old
value had zero bits, the byte (or maybe a larger section of storage
space) must be erased prior to writing the new value. If the byte is
not erased, only bits which change from a one to a zero will be
changed. In many cards the operation called “write” only changes
one bits to zeroes. Consult your card documentation to determine
the exact nature of the “write” operation for your card.