Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
Page 1.3
F/D Ratio
F stands for Frequency, D stands for Divisor. In ISO 7816-3, these
terms are used as a ratio (along with an oscillator frequency) to
determine the actual speed of the Smart Card interface. ISO 7816-3
defines a default F of 372 with a default D of 1. When used with a
standard oscillator frequency a speed of 9600 bps is the result.
A variant of the ISO 7816-3, Amendment 1, T=1 protocol
Many Memory Cards have a way of making an irreversible change
to the card structure so that future modifications to certain portions
of the card (i.e. card serial number) are impossible. Usually the
technique is referred to as a fuse.
Global System Mobile
Hexadecimal, base 16. Some numbers in this manual are followed
by H (i.e. 03H). This notation is to denote a HEX number.
The device connected to the Model 152 reader via the
communications cable. The host controls all operations of the
Integrated Circuit Card. Any card which acts as a carrier for an
Integrated Circuit. Most particularly, cards which conform to ISO
7816 standards.
Instruction. This is one of the bytes used in a TPDU.
ISO 7816
This international standard is used as a guideline by many Smart
Card manufacturers. It defines standards (mechanical, electrical,
operational) for a Integrated Circuit Cards with Contacts. Other
standards apply to ICCs without contacts.
Many Smart Card security schemes require the use of a “key” to
prove either a reader has legitimate access to a Smart Card, or that
a reader should accept a Smart Card as valid.
One of the parameters which may be used in a TPDU, it codes the
length of data being transferred to the Smart Card.
One of the parameters which may be used in a TPDU, it codes the
length of data expected to be returned by the Smart Card.
Light Emitting Diode, the visible lights on the front of the reader.