Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
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transaction/session, assures that no two occurrences of the same
transaction will look the same, thus avoiding replay of secure
Class. This is one of the bytes used in a TPDU.
Communications Protocol
A set of rules governing the structure, sequencing,
and validation of messages between two or more
points on a communications media.
The subset of the possible features which is actually active at a
given time. Also, the act of setting the configuration, as with a
configuration program.
A hardware signal from the host to the Model 152 reader which
allows the host to block transmission of data from the Model 152.
This is the kind of connector used to connect to the host. If you were
running the reader using a PC as a host, this connector would mate
to a “9 pin commport”.
Direct Current
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Most
Smart Cards store user data in EEPROM, which can be erased and
re-programmed numerous times. See the card manufacturer’s
specifications for information on the number of programming cycles
available with a particular card.
End Of Transmission. This byte is used in many communications
protocols to signify the end of a transmission. In the ASCII character
set it is defined to have the value 04H.
When talking about Smart Cards, erase usually means setting data
bits to all ones. This is because EEPROM programming changes
bits from the erased (all ones) state to zeroes a bit at a time, but
cannot change single bits from zero to one. Currently available
EEPROM’s require at least one complete byte to change to ones
(erasure) in order to change a single bit to one. Some EEPROM’s
erase in blocks of 2 or more bytes.
End Of Text. This byte is used in many communications protocols to
signify the end of a transmission. In the ASCII character set it is
defined to have the value of 03H.