Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
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Chapter 8:
Memory Card Support
Memory Cards are to be accessed by using the “B” command. The command consists of the
command designator (B) and an ISO 7816 TPDU. The reader interprets the TPDU based on the
currently active Memory Card type and performs the requested operation. When the operation is
complete, the reader returns an ISO 7816 status (SW1, SW2).
TPDUs are coded, to the extent possible, according to ISO 7816-4 requirements and the
response status conforms to ISO 7816-4 requirements. This allows the user to use a command
interface which is relatively easy to upgrade to Microprocessor Cards in the future. Additionally,
it provides a single model for the operation of all different Memory Cards, with limited exceptions
for cards with special needs.
The “B” command is usable with either the USI2 or TLP-224 protocols. When used with the
TLP-224 protocol (or its faster derivative, TLP-224Turbo), the response always has one byte of
device status before the ISO defined response.
The interface design is intended to present the smoothest interface possible when switching
between types of Memory Cards. Functions which are identical or similar from card to card will
be supported by identical or similar commands (i.e. Read Binary will probably be identical for all
cards). When a command closely matches a command described in ISO 7816-4, that command
INS and as much of its format as practical are used.
This manual does not presume to detail the complete operation of all the Memory Cards it
supports. Each Memory Card has special features which are, in some cases, quite complex.
Most of the documents describing these features are copyrighted. Usually, these documents
represent the best source of information. It is presumed that if you intend to use the reader to
access a particular type of Memory Card, you will have either the card manufacturer’s technical
documentation and/or the chip manufacturer’s documentation.