Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
Page 1.4
Table 15 - TLP-224 LED Control Byte
Not used, set to zero
Not used, set to zero
00 = Green LED OFF, 01 = ON
00 = Red LED OFF, 01 = ON
Not used, set to zero
Select Card Connector. The Model 152 supports up to 9 card Connectors. This command tells
the reader which Connector is to be used with succeeding Card I/O Commands. The User
Connector (the only one the user can see) is number 0, and is always selected after a power
cycle. The Local SAM (GSM connector) is number 1. The remote SAM box contains up to 7
more Connectors, numbered 2-8. The byte following the command byte codes the Connector
Memory Card Type Select. This command is used to specify the type of Memory Card to be
accessed through the User Connector. The byte following the command byte codes the card
type. Table 4 shows the card types, type 0 is the factory default. The default type (always in
effect after power up) is selectable via the configuration program. By using type 0, a read of the
first four bytes (0-3) will always give the ISO 7816 defined ATR for synchronous cards if the
card in the Connector conforms to the ISO standard. A user may be able to use the information
in the ATR to determine card type.
Configuration Request. This command is used to obtain a configuration response which gives
details of the current configuration in the reader. See Table 9 for format and interpretation of the