Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
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Chapter 6:
TLP-224Turbo Protocol
The TLP-224Turbo protocol differs from the TLP-224 protocol in only one very important area.
The TLP-224 protocol requires that each byte in a frame, except the ETX byte, be broken into 2
nibbles which are converted to an ASCII-HEX notation and then transmitted. This requirement
dramatically increases the amount of time it takes to transmit a message.
The TLP-224Turbo protocol drops this requirement. Each byte in a frame is transmitted as is
and the receiver should not try to reconstruct broken bytes. This restores the speed of the
interface to almost double the speed the original TLP-224 protocol attains. Programming
changes in drivers to handle this variant should be minor when compared to the performance
boost received.
At this time, we know of no other reader offering this variant. If you use this variant, you may not
be able to substitute in other readers as easily as if you were using the standard TLP-224