Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
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Start Of Header. This byte is used in many communications
protocols to signify the the start of a transmission. In the ASCII
character set it is defined to have the value 01H.
SW1 and SW2
These bytes are defined in ISO 7816 to be the last two bytes of any
TPDU response. They convey status information about the card
Synchronous Cards
See Memory Cards.
One of the protocols defined in ISO 7816 for communicating with
Microprocessor Cards. This protocol is byte oriented, with error
correction and recovery techniques applied on a byte by byte basis.
One of the protocols defined in ISO 7816 for communicating with
Microprocessor Cards. This protocol is block oriented, with error
correction and recovery techniques applied to whole messages.
One of the communication protocols supported by the Model 152 for
communications between the reader and the host. This protocol is
used by several manufacturers of Smart Card readers. If you use
only the core set of commands in your application, your unit may be
plug compatible with units from other manufacturers.
A proprietary variant of the TLP-224 communications protocol which
reduces the transmission time required to exchange messages
between the host and reader.
Transport Protocol Data Unit. Defined in ISO 7816, this is a
definition of the structure of message content being exchanged
between a reader and a Microprocessor Card.
Transport Code
A passwording technique used by many manufacturers of Smart
Cards to assure that cards cannot be tampered with, or diverted to
other destinations, for fraudulent purposes. There are many names
used by manufacturers of this technique, but they are usually similar
in nature and the level of protection provided.