Model 152 Smart Card Reader/Writer Operation Instructions
8182760 Revision G Copyright Axiohm 1998 All Rights Reserved
Page 1.6
This command has a special response format:
OSB is the Operation Status Byte
The rest of the bytes always have the same value, and no meaning.
Output to Microprocessor Card. This command is used to pass a TPDU to a T=0
Microprocessor Card where only an ISO status reply is expected from the card. Because
different Microprocessor Cards use different TPDU commands, the host must specify (via
command selection) whether any data is expected in reply. WARNING: If you use this command
to send a TPDU which generates a data response, results are undefined.
Input from Microprocessor Card. This command is used to pass a TPDU to a T=0
Microprocessor Card where both data and an ISO status are expected in the response. If you
pass a TPDU with data intended for the card, the data will not be sent by this command.
I/O to Memory Card. This command is used to perform all operations with a Memory Card. This
command will always include a TPDU. Valid TPDUs are defined in Chapter 8 Memory Card
I/O to Microprocessor Card. This command is used to perform all operations with a T=1
Microprocessor Card. This command will always include a TPDU. Valid TPDUs are defined in
Chapter 8 Memory Card Support.
Table 17 - TLP-224 Reader Status Byte Format
0 = No Card Seated, 1 = Card Seated
0 = ICC Power OFF, 1 = ICC Power ON
00 = Green LED OFF, 01 = ON
00 = Red LED OFF, 01 = ON
Not used, set to zero, 00