Fixing the Roof Fascias and Finials Alton Amateur from Summer Greenhouses
The gable roof cover strips (4) should be fitted
next. At the door end you will need to cut out the
necessary gap for the door post.
fig 2
fig 2
fig 4
fig 1
fig 3
fig 3
Offer up the strip to mark off the correct amount
to be carefully cut out.
Then fix with 1”/ 25mm nails, use 5 per strip.
See fig 2.
Fix the remaining roof cover strips as shown
opposite in fig 3.
If you have a roof vent adjacent to the gable you
will have to cut away part of the strip to allow the
fig 4
vent to close. Take care when cutting not to split
the cover strip. Again offer it up into position to
establish the amount you need to remove.
Attach the finials to each gable end with 2 off 1”/
25mm nails each. See fig 4.
NOW remove the transit bars from both
gable ends
page 15
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