Rapier Series Switch
C613-03020-00 REV K
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Startup Procedures
When the switch starts up following either a power cycle or an operator-
initiated reboot (using the Reset button or RESTART command), a series of
start-up messages is sent to the RS-232 Terminal Port (
Figure 17
Figure 17: Switch start-up messages
After the self tests are complete, the manager is given the option of forcing a
mandatory boot from the EPROM release. The message:
Force EPROM download (Y)?
is displayed on the terminal connected to the RS-232 Terminal Port and the
switch pauses. If a key is not pressed within a few seconds, the start-up process
will continue and all steps in the sequence will be executed. Pressing selected
keys on the terminal immediately after the “Force EPROM download” message
is displayed will change the switch start-up process (
Table 1
INFO: Self tests beginning.
INFO: RAM test beginning.
PASS: RAM test, 32768k bytes found.
INFO: BBR tests beginning.
PASS: BBR test, 128k bytes found.
INFO: Self tests complete
INFO: Downloading switch software.
Force EPROM download (Y) ?
INFO: Initial download succeeded
INFO: Executing configuration script <boot.cfg>
INFO: Switch startup complete
Manager >
Table 1: Switch start-up sequence keystrokes
Pressing key...
Forces the switch to...
Load the EPROM release, with no patch.
Start with the default configuration. Any boot script is ignored.
Enter diagnostics mode.