Time Zone and DST
The following are screens used to configure time zones and Daylight Savings time settings for SNTP. Open the
folder, then the
and click on the
Time Zone and DST
link, revealing the following screen.
Figure 6- 59.Time Zone and DST Settings Page
The following parameters can be set:
Daylight Saving Time State
Use this pull-down menu to Enable or Disable the DST Settings.
Daylight Saving Time Offset
Use this pull-down menu to specify the amount of time that will constitute your local DST offset - 30, 60, 90, or
in Minutes
120 minutes.
Time Zone Offset from GMT in
Use these pull-down menus to specify your local time zone's offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT.)
+/- HH:MM
DST Repeating Settings
Using repeating mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Repeating mode requires that the DST
beginning and ending date be specified using a formula. For example, specify to begin DST on Saturday during
the second week of April and end DST on Sunday during the last week of October.
From: Which Day
Enter the week of the month that DST will start.
From: Day of Week
Enter the day of the week that DST will start on.
From: Month
Enter the month DST will start on.
From: Time in HH:MM
Enter the time of day that DST will start on.
To: Which Day
Enter the week of the month the DST will end.
To: Day of Week
Enter the day of the week that DST will end.
To: Month
Enter the month that DST will end.
To: time in HH:MM
Enter the time DST will end.
DST Annual Settings
Using annual mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment.Annual mode requires that the DST beginning and
ending date be specified concisely. For example, specify to begin DST on April 3 and end DST on October 14.
From: Month
Enter the month DST will start on, each year.
From: Day
Enter the day of the month DST will start on, each year.
From: Time in HH:MM
Enter the time of day DST will start on, each year.
To: Month
Enter the month DST will end on, each year.
To: Day
Enter the day of the month DST will end on, each year.
To: Time in HH:MM
Enter the time of day that DST will end on, each year.
to implement changes made to the
Time Zone and DST
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