Figure 7- 18. Configure Local Enable Password window
To set the Local Enable Password, set the following parameters and click
Old Local Enable Password
If a password was previously configured for this entry, enter it here in order to change it to a new password.
New Local Enable Password
Enter the new password that you wish to set on the Switch to authenticate users attempting to access
Administrator Level privileges on the Switch.The user may set a password of up to 15 characters.
Confirm Local Enable Password
Confirm the new password entered above. Entering a different password here from the one set in the New
Local Enabled field will result in a fail message.
Enable Admin
Enable Admin
window is for users who have logged on to the Switch on the normal user level, and wish to be promoted to the administrator level.After
logging on to the Switch, users will have only user level privileges.To gain access to administrator level privileges, the user will open this window and will have to
enter an authentication password. Possible authentication methods for this function include TACACS/XTACACS//RADIUS, user defined server groups,
local enable (local account on the Switch), or no authentication (none). Because XTACACS and TACACS do not support the enable function, the user must
create a special account on the server host, which has the username "enable", and a password configured by the administrator that will support the "enable"
function.This function becomes inoperable when the authentication policy is disabled.
To view the following window, click
Security Management > Access Authentication Control > Enable Admin
Figure 7- 19. Enable Admin Screen
When this screen appears, click the
Enable Admin
button revealing a window for the user to enter authentication (password, username), as seen below.
A successful entry will promote the user to Administrator level privileges on the Switch.
Figure 7- 20. Enter Network Password window
Allied Telesyn AT-9724TS High-Density Layer 3 Stackable Gigabit Ethernet Switch