Authenticator Diagnostics
This table contains the diagnostic information regarding the operation of the Authenticator associated with each port.An entry appears in this table for each
port that supports the Authenticator function.To view the
Authenticator Diagnostics
, click
Monitoring > Port Access Control > Authenticator
Figure 9- 26.Authenticator Diagnostics window
The user can specify a switch in a switch stack using that switch’s
ID by using the pull down menu in the top left hand corner.The user may also select the
desired time interval to update the statistics, between
, where “s” stands for seconds.The default value is one second.
The following fields can be viewed:
The identification number assigned to the Port by the System in which the Port resides.
Connect Enter
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions to the CONNECTING state from any other
Connect LogOff
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED as
a result of receiving an EAPOL-Logoff message.
Auth Enter
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from CONNECTING to AUTHENTICATING,
as a result of an EAP-Response/Identity message being received from the Supplicant.
Auth Success
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to
AUTHENTICATED, as a result of the Backend Authentication state machine indicating successful authentication
of the Supplicant (authSuccess =TRUE).
Auth Timeout
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a
result of the Backend Authentication state machine indicating authentication timeout (authTimeout = TRUE).
Auth Fail
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to HELD, as a result
of the Backend Authentication state machine indicating authentication failure (authFail = TRUE).
Auth Reauth
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a
result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE).
Auth Start
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a
result of an EAPOL-Start message being received from the Supplicant.
Auth LogOff
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATING to ABORTING, as a
result of an EAPOL-Logoff message being received from the Supplicant.
Authed Reauth
Counts the number of times that the state machine transitions from AUTHENTICATED to CONNECTING, as
a result of a reauthentication request (reAuthenticate = TRUE).
Allied Telesyn AT-9724TS High-Density Layer 3 Stackable Gigabit Ethernet Switch