Your Allen Organ constitutes a major advance in long-term maintenance-free operation. There
is no regular maintenance procedures required and, therefore, no periodic maintenance schedules
to be observed.
Reasonable care will keep the instrument looking beautiful for years to come. The wood
surfaces may be cleaned using a soft cloth dampened with lukewarm water. A mild solution of
lukewarm water and dish detergent may be used to remove fingerprints, etc. Polish dry with a
soft cloth. Do not use wax, sprays or oils on the finish. Satin finished surfaces will take on a
semi-gloss appearance when waxed and will eventually become yellowed.
Keys and stop tablets should be cleaned in the following manner: Use two clean cloths.
Immerse one in clear, lukewarm water and wring it thoroughly damp dry. Loosen the dirt with
this cloth, and then polish immediately with the dry cloth. Do not use soap or detergent on keys
or stop tablets.
To polish the clear music rack, a furniture wax polish may be sprayed on a soft dry cloth and
rubbed on the front of the music rack. Keep the wax off of the wood finishes. This will help
keep the music rack clear.
You have purchased a remarkable organ that not only faithfully reproduces the organ traditions
of the past but also anticipates the innovations of the future. Should you have questions that are
not addressed in this manual, please do not hesitate to contact your local Allen Organ
representative. Welcome to the family of satisfied Allen Organ owners!