2. Reeds
pipes, a metal tongue vibrates against an open flattened side of a metal tube called a
shallot. The characteristic sounds of different reeds are produced through resonators of different
shapes. The family of reeds subdivides as follows:
Chorus or Ensemble:
Double Trumpet, Tromba,
Voices of great harmonic development; some are imitative of
their orchestral counterparts.
Your Allen Organ provides authentic, digitally sampled voices. They are protected by
copyrights owned by the Allen Organ Company and are stored in memory devices, each having
affixed to it a copyright notice; e.g., © 2003 AOCO, © 2001 AOCO, etc., pursuant to Title 17 of
the United States Code, Section 101 et seq.
Some organ stop controls do not turn voices on/off, but instead turn on/off console functions
such as outlined in this Section.
Great to Pedal
Connects all Great stops to the Pedal.
Swell to Pedal
Connects all Swell stops to the Pedal.
Positiv to Pedal
Connects all Positiv stops to the Pedal.
Positiv to Great
Connects all Positiv stops to the Great.
Swell to Positiv
Connects all Swell stops to the Positiv.
Swell to Great
Intermanual coupler connecting all Swell stops to the Great manual.
MIDI on Pedal
Opens MIDI channel to the Pedal.
MIDI on Swell
Opens MIDI channel to the Swell
MIDI on Great
Opens MIDI channel to the Great.
MIDI on Positiv
Opens MIDI channel to the Positiv.
This stop provides a vibrato effect, natural in the human voice and
wind instruments.
Gt-Pd Unenclosed
The expression control for the Great and Pedal Divisions is disabled,
causing the Great and Pedal stops to sound at full volume, regardless
of the position of the expression shoe.
Bass Coupler
When playing on the Great manual, the lowest key played on the Great
will automatically play stops drawn on the Pedal division, in addition
to those stops drawn on the Great. This allows voices normally played
from the pedalboard to be heard without using the pedalboard.
Alternate Tuning
When activated, the organ’s tuning will change to an alternate tuning
selected within the Console Controller™. See the Console Controller
Guide, later in this Manual, for more information relating to Alternate