ASCII Flex Protocol
To embed a carriage return/line feed you would add the following to your string command.
Remember that the ‘xxx’ is in decimal, not hexadecimal.
String Literals
String literals is everything else in the string command that is not an embedded register and not a Byte
Examples: Breakdown:
Set Speed {RF22 \* Prec 5}\13\10
‘Set Speed ‘= string literal
‘{RF22 \* Prec 5}’= embedded float register, prec 5
‘\13’= byte literal, carriage return
‘\10’= byte literal, line feed
Get Speed {RF23}
‘Get Speed ‘= string literal
‘{RF23}’= embedded float register
Handling Unsolicited Sequences
Some controllers may send out commands that the QuickPanel does not understand. One suggestion for
handling this is to define an Unsolicited Sequence which uses a RAx register in the Receive command.
The RAx will match on any string. This Unsolicited Sequence could be strategically placed in the list of
unsolicited sequences so they could drastically rduce the number of unsolicited sequences that have to
be defined.
Memory Used Calculation
To calculate the exact amount of memory used you would have to know the length of each sequence
name, string command, tag name etc. This calculation uses average lengths and is thus just an estimate.
a = total number of sequences (solicited and unsolicited)
b = number of unsolicited sequences
c = average length of sequence name used (maximum = 16)
d = average length of step string used
(maximum = 80)
e = average length of Association
(maximum = 54)
(Tag Name, Press Sequence Name, Release Sequence Name, Poll Sequence Name)
f = number of tags with at least one association
g = total number of steps in project
Step 1: Calculate Basic overhead.
T1 = 146 + (a * (3 + c)) + (b * (1 + c))
Step 2: Calculate String Command Bytes
T2 = g * (3 + d)
Step 3: Calculate Poll Table Bytes
T3 = f * (5 + e)