Error Codes
In the event of a communication problem, error messages are displayed on a status line at the bottom
of the display.
Error initializing Anybus module
Incorrect Anybus module ID
Anybus module watchdog time-out (module lockup)
Network Error - Network not connected
The timestamp in BBRAM does not match timestamp downloaded. Since the BBRAM is invalid, the inputs
will be cleared. This is a non-critical error and it will only be displayed for 2 seconds after power up or
reboot. Note that it is normal for this error to be displayed after downloading a new project since a new time
stamp is included in the download. If this error is displayed after a reboot or power-cycle, the BBRAM in
the unit may be defective.
The BBRAM has a checksum error. Since the BBRAM is invalid, the inputs will be cleared. This is a non-
critical error and it will only be displayed for 2 seconds after power up or reboot. It is possible that the
power was lost or the QP was rebooted at the exact instance we were updating the BBRAM and therefore the
data in the BBRAM is invalid. However, if this error occurs often, the BBRAM in the unit may be